On Putting Off

One would think

By the time one reaches one’s seventies

One would have learned

That succumbing to the temptation of procrastination

Ultimately leads only to vexation

Learned that

The time between now

And when it gets done,

If it even gets done,

Will inevitably

Be haunted

By the specter of the undone,

As many days, weeks and months

Have been haunted

Over these many months, years and decades.

Hence, one would think,

One would have learned

To do it


Mitchell Stephens

Mitchell Stephens, one of the editors of this site, is the author of nine books, including the rise of the image the fall of the word, A History of News, Imagine There’s No Heaven: How Atheism Helped Create the Modern World, Beyond News: The Future of Journalism, and The Voice of America: Lowell Thomas and the Invention of 20th Century Journalism. He is a professor emeritus of Journalism at New York University, lives in New York City and spends a lot of time traveling and fiddling with video.


The ten biggest changes in my life


I beg your pardon?